This week saw the annual 'World Book Day' event and as ever we did our best to mark the occasion. A great day was had by all and we held a number of events to encourage the joy of reading for pleasure both at school and at home.
Among the activities taking place were:
- Viewing the online 'World's Biggest Book Show' programme featuring authors and illustrators talking about their work.
- 'D.E.A.R. Sessions! - Drop Everything And Read! Twice over the day we all joined in the library and GP Room to have collective reading sessions! Thhis was a chance for everyone, including the staff, to stop and take a few minutes to read and enjoy a good book!

Each class had also 'decorated the class door' to look like the cover of a book! There willbe a prize for the best one..and this has proved tobe very competitive - especially amongst the staff!
The doors all look great and eachclass did a great job. Some had more than ONE page as part of their book while one almost looked like they had rebuilt their whole door and one even had lights!!! You can see the photos below.
The book titles were:
Nursery The very Hungry Catepillar
Pr 1/2 Fairy Tales
Pr 3/4 The Roman Bean Feast
Pr 4/5 The Simpsons in Egypt
Pr 5/6 An Elephant in the Garden
Pr 7 The Adventures of Primary 7

The Nursery

Primary 1/2

Primary 3/4

Primary 4/5

Primary 5/6

Primary 7
The winner will be announced at Assembly today!
we also had a 'find the book' hunt in the playground at breaktime. 30 little books were hidden round the playground for the pupils to find! A;; 30 were found and a few lucky 'books' carry a prize with them also!
We also organised a 'First read' competition - we offered the puils the chance to explain why they would like to be the FIRST to read the new books we had bought in especially. We had around 30 entries for the range of books we had. The 'First Readers' will get their book this afternoon at assembly! But..they need to return them to the library once finsihed!
Then finally the Primary 7 pupils organised a 'Second hand book sale' to raise funds for their 'Loch Insh Hoodie'! We had a very generous donation of books from everyone and the sale was very popular! The children all seemed happy withtheir purchases and we managed to sell most of the books! A huge thank you to everyone who donated books!

So...if after all this we have encouraged some to pick up a new book and read it then it will have all been worth it!