Today was an exciting day for Strichen School. It was the day we buried our Time Capsule which will remain buried for the next 50 years until 2065! What a thought!
The pupils and staff have been working on this since January and have collected and made a wide range of items to bury for the pupils of the future to open up and look at in 50 years time.
The press were there and we hope that some of the photos will make it into the press to mark the event. It was with a mixture of sadness and excitement that we buried the items - as it was very strange thinking that these things will lie there not to be opened for another two or three generations.
The classes were excited. Photos were taken of the items before they were finally placed in the capsule and then another group of pupils helped to actually place the capsul in the hole that had been prepared.
Amongst the items buried were:
Nursery: A poster showing some of the Nursery activities
A poster listing what each child would like to be when they are older...including one who wants
to be a Ninja Warrior!
A sample of some 'Well Done' pages from the nursery pupils
A 2015 calendar showing Mrs Dunbar and Mrs Hendry as 'Bananas in Pyjamas!'
A 'Frozen' DVD.....lets hope they can play it then!
Primary 1/2
A Tesco Shopping Receipt showing prices of goods from today
A booklet about Primary 1/2 and the school
A booklet - 'It's Cool About Us! Let Us Take a Selfie!'
Primary 2/3
Some of the Katie Morag work that they did last term
Examples of Scottish phrases learnt in class
Individual pupil sheets - Life in 50 years time!
Primary 4/5
Examples of some food packaging from today
A pupil's guide to 'Minecraft'
A pupil's guide to 'Loom Bands' and examples of Loom Band creations
Current Expressions poster e.g L.O.L. OMG etc
Individual pupil sheets - life in 50 years time!
Primary 5/6
A pencil case with items needed for school today
A book by our favourite author
An information booklet on Strichen, classroom technology and transport
A newspaper from last week - First Class
Primary 6/7
Selfie Poems
A class photo when P6/7 were in P1/2
A pendrive with video interviews by each pupil in the class
Cost of living information in 2015
Among other items included were:
- A pen drive with photos and information included in the capsule
- A school sweatshirt
- A School Newsletter
- Strichen School Newsbook 2014
- School Merit System Certificates
- A canteen menu and dinner tickets
- A class photo signed by the pupils
- Uk coins laminated and sealed for the future!
- A TV Guide
- Newspapers from the birth of Princess Charlotte
- Strichen Star Newspaper (Pupil Newspaper)
- An A.F.C. photo from this season!
We truly hope that some of the pupils will be able to gather in 50 years time to see the capsule be dug up. Apparently the only way into it is by using a hammer to break the seal as it is designed to be air tight and water proof. Let's hope it survives.
The oldest pupil at school now, Teigan Allan, will be 62 when it is opened and the youngest in the nursery will be 53! Seven more complete groups of pupils will pass through the school before the capsule is dug up!
One thing is for sure....some of the staff will probably not be there to see it opened!

Video of Mr Jenkins burying the capsule!
Download VID00026
This has been a very exciting project and we hope that in 50 years time the information about the Time Capsule will be found in the office and a ceremony takes place to dig it up again!