We have a small group of Primary 7 pupils this session - although they are very enthusiastic to be involved in school events.
As there are only 11 pupils we have decided as a group that ALL the pupils will be House Captains for their House Teams. This will mean they are all involved in evcents and activities.
The House Captains are:
BROWN: Chloe Taylor and Amelia Paterson
COUTTS: Elisa Gibb, Teigan Allan and Erin Ross
GORDON: Aneila Dalgarno and Georgia McAdam
YOUNG: Callum Taylor, Ruth Taylor, Nadine Allan and Adam Fowlie
This year the House Captains will also take on a range of responsibilites each term. These will include:
- Being Buddies to the new Primary 1 pupils
- Organising the Playground Squad to help the younger pupils with games and activities.
- Ensuring the hall resources, the laptop trolley and library are kept tidy and in order.
A new venture this year will be the Strichen School Community Cafe. This will be open on a monthly basis from 2.00 - 3.00pm and will be open to anyone from the village who wants to come along and join us for a coffee and a chat! More details to folow.