During the first few weeks of term Miss Clark gave us a problem solving task to work on.
We had to invent the FIRST EVER Solar System THEME PARK!!
We started by making up a theme and a name for our park. Then we had to decide what rides we would include and draw out our ideas on a mind map.
We were given a budget of £50,000 and a price list for different items we would include. We had to use our money wisely so we had enough for plenty of rides so people would come, but enough to have toilets, cafes and a car park too.
After that we checked how much of our budget we had spent and added extras if we had any left!
Then we had to plan out our park, we used squared paper and given measurements to make a map of our park, we had to put everything close enough together that people could get to it easily and connect everything with pathways. We drew pictures of our rides, gave them names and set it all out on a massive poster.
The next task was to design a poster to advertise our park. We had to make it eye catching with only important information, it was a challenge and the winning poster got a prize!
Finally our last task was to write a radio advert for our park. We had to make it quick and catchy and we included a tune we invented using computer software.
Everyone had different bit they enjoyed the most but overall we did a great job of rising to the challenge and solving the problem we were given!
See there work below - posters and radio advertising! Well done Primary 6!
Listen to our advert: Download Astro System Advert
Our Advert: Download Countrylage
Planets of Fun
Our Advert: Download Planet of fun!
Super Adventure Park
Our Advert: Download Super Advernture Park
Underwater Space Adventure
Our Advert: Download Underwater Space
World War 2 Stand
Our Advert: Download World War 2