The pupils had a great day on Thursday on World Book Day. Pupils, and staff, came dressed as characters from books and told their classmates who they were and why they liked that book! Some of the pupils from the older classes did paired reading with the younger ones and quite a few pupils added contributions to our World Book Day GLOW Page. P7 pupils wrote strories and posted them on GLOW for others to read! They worked very hard and did well.
Miss Clark's class organised a 'Book Swap'! Pupils took in a book, or two, they were prepared to swap for another book and everyone who took in a book was given a raffle ticket. Everyone with a raffle ticket could swap the ticket for one of the other books taken in. Craig and Gemma organised three separate sessions for the pupils to swap their books. P6 & 7 pupils swapped books as did pupils in P4 & 5 and pupils in P1/2 & 3! Everyone with a ticket went home with one or two new books to read! Thanks to everyone whotook part and were prepared to part with a book they had read so someone else could read it.
The highlight of the day was pupils from P6 & 7 taking part in a live online event at 10.30. To celebrate World Book Day the Scottish Book Trust had organised a special event with Michael Rosen who is a famous childrens author and poet. ( He spoke live from Glasgow and over 100,000 children viewed his talk! He was very funny and hopefully will inspire the pupils to experiment with their writing. You can see the edited version of this event soon on .
Here are a few pictures of the event!