Do An Act of Kindness - Make One Person Smile!

We celebrated 'World Smile Day' on Friday and everyone had good fun.
A number of activities took place:
1. A Smile Day assembly when each class 'entertained' the other classes with something to make them smile.
2. Pupils wore a touch of yellow to mark the link with the 'Smiley'!
3. The children completed 'Smile Vouchers' to take home for someone...promising to do an act of kindness for someone.
4. We had a 'Hunt the Smiley' at playtime in the playground where 30 smiley faces were hidden round the playground. House points will be allocated to all those who found them!
World Smile Day was set up in honour of Harvey Ball who was the creator of the Smiley in the 1960's. The message is simple: Do an act of kindness ...make one person smile.
Our aim is to get the children to think about that everyday - not just once a year! If we all do our bit then we can all help to make the world a happier place.