Tuesday 7th June was Sports Day! The weather stayed fine over the day although it was quite chilly towards the end of the afternoon.
Sports day is a very busy day with the traditional sports in the morning and potted sports in the afternoon. The morning sports went very well. Over the morning over 70 races were held. 6 different types of race were held for both boys and girls from nursery to P7.
A healthy audience were on hand to view the proceedings and they cheered on all the pupils during the races. The pupils sat in their house groups and cheered on their fellow team mates.
We would like to thank everyone who turned up and the parents who manned the finishing line and awarded the placings for each race.
The afternoon was very busy with 16 house teams working round 16 bases which varied from football skills, throwing skills, logic skills, target skills and some that were just there for fun. Theteams took part very well and the senior pupils marshalled their teams well making sure everyone was trying their very best.
We would like to thank some of the P7 pupils who were very helpful over the day with setting up, marshalling and helping out with a range of tasks. We would also like to thank Mr Witt, our PE teacher, for starting all the races and timing all the potted sports events.
Results will be shared with the pupils soon.