The link below will open a presentation showing a selection of some of the aret work and displays from round the school from Term 3. This is a long term but the pupils have worked very hard and have
produced some excellent pieces of work.
The Nursery and Primary 1 had a great visit this week from 'Zoologica' and were able to see and TOUCH a range of animals. They saw rats, a snake, an African Snail and a large, scarey spider! Primary 5 put on an afternoon for parents and frineds showcasing the work they have done over the term on 'The Unsinkable Ship'! They presneted what they had learnt all about the doomed voyage of The Titanic! They even sang a song which they wrote themselves. We were very impressed.
Primary 3/4 have turned their class into a museum of Egypt and it is full of aretfacts and art work about Egypt! Primary 7 have been busy preparing for the final of 'Strichen's Got Talent' whichwill be a fun way to finish the term. Pr 7 will be off to Loch Insh the first day we are back from holiday! What a great way to start the term!
Primary 6 pupils had their bikes into school this week to get themchecked over before starting the Cycling Proficiency Scheme next term. This is an important block of work but is also good fun! Primary 2/3 have been finding out about 'The Senses' and did some amazing art work to represent the different senses!
It has been a busy term and we are all looking forward toour break. We hope you enjoy looking at the photos.
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