School Calendars: 2011
Orders for calendars must be into school by Thursday 9th December at the latest if these are to be ready in time for the end of term.
The SSA Christmas Fair will go ahead as planned on WEDNESDAY 8th DECEMBER between 4.00 – 5.30pm. However, if conditions take a turn for the worse it may have to be cancelled at short notice!
The SSA would like to ask for donations of items for the Christmas Fair.
Lucky Dip: Prizes for boys or girls wrapped or in a food bag.
Raffle: We hope to make up some hampers as prizes for the raffle. Any items you feel would be suitable to be included in a hamper should be handed in to the school at any time between now and the fair.
SSA Stall: The SSA will also have a stall and they would be delighted to receive donations of any art or craft items that could be sold on the stall. Items can be handed in to the office from now on until the day of the fair.
We realise that certain activities may prove difficult to put on at short notice and the committee will make decisions about individual things on the day of the fair.
The latest newsletter and calendar order forms are attached below. If you can not get into school please phone to order your calendars.