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Four weeks ago 23 artists had to make an owl picture. They were great! They were painting a sunset on black paper. The paint colours were blue, red, yellow and white. It made a sunset. After that they had to cut out a bit of tree trunk and some branches on black paper. Next they made it look like the sun was shining on it with oil pastels. Then they drew an owl and coloured it in.
First of all we painted a sunset on our paper and the colours were red, blue, yellow, white, green and brown. Next we made trees with black paper and we drew it out with white crayon. Then we cut them out and then we made owls. My owl was the fattest out of the whole class and P4 did a tawny owl and P3 did a barn owl. Then we stuck it on the paper and coloured it in white, orange, brown and the beak was dark black. Then I made leaves and stuck them onto the tree. Then Mrs. Veitch stuck them on the corridor.
First of all we painted the sky in blue, red, yellow and a little bit of white. Then we did the land in dark paint. Then we drew a bit of a tree and put on green and yellow oil pastels for a little bit of light. We cut the tree out and stuck the tree on our pictures. Next week we drew the owl. The P4 drew the tawny owl and P3 drew the barn owl. The owl was facing the ground but its head was turned round. Next week Mr. Harris took some leaves in and we got a bit paper and we put the leaf under the bit of paper. We rubbed the oil pastel on the paper and the leaf came out. We stuck them on and last of all we put them up in the corridor.